Kingii – A Wristband Emergency Flotation Device

Posted: July 17, 2015 in Uncategorized

Kingii: A Wristband Emergency Flotation Device

The World Health Organization estimates that 370,000 people drown each year, and according to the United States Coast Guard 82 percent of those people were not wearing a life jacket.

The Kingii is an emergency life preserver that you can strap right to your wrist in case you don’t feel like wearing a life jacket.

It’s lightweight and portable design makes it much less bulky than a life preserver.

To use it simply pull the lever on the wristband and the flotation device will inflate within seconds, thus floating you to the surface of the water.

The Kingii uses capsules so you don’t have to buy a new device every time you use it.

Simply replace the capsule and hop back in the water and try not to drown this time.

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation DeviceNamed after a lizard that opens an orange frill around it’s neck when it’s feeling threatened, the Kingii is tested and proven to provide buoyancy to an adult that weighs over 275 lbs, the device weighs just 4.9 oz, can stay inflated for over 48 hours, comes in one size that should fit most people (adult or children), currently only comes in black, and even comes with an integrated compass on the wristband.

The Kingii is currently in a funding phase on IndieGoGo with an estimated delivery date of September 2015, so go reserve yours now, and be sure to check out the Kingii wristband flotation device in action via the video below.

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

Kingii Emergency Wristband Flotation Device

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