The Morning After I Killed Myself By Meggie Royer

Posted: August 4, 2015 in Meggie Royer, Poetry, R Andrew Ohge, Rex Dexter
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By Meggie Royer – From 

Her “Writings For Winter” Blog                             

The morning after I killed myself, I woke up.

I made myself breakfast in bed. I added salt and pepper to my eggs and used my toast for a cheese and bacon sandwich. I squeezed a grapefruit into a juice glass. I scraped the ashes from the frying pan and rinsed the butter off the counter. I washed the dishes and folded the towels.                                    

The morning after I killed myself, I fell in love. Not with the boy down the street or the middle school principal. Not with the everyday jogger or the grocer who always left the avocados out of the bag. I fell in love with my mother and the way she sat on the floor of my room holding each rock from my collection in her palms until they grew dark with sweat. I fell in love with my father down at the river as he placed my note into a bottle and sent it into the current. With my brother who once believed in unicorns but who now sat in his desk at school trying desperately to believe I still existed.

The morning after I killed myself, I walked the dog. I watched the way her tail twitched when a bird flew by or how her pace quickened at the sight of a cat. I saw the empty space in her eyes when she reached a stick and turned around to greet me so we could play catch but saw nothing but sky in my place. I stood by as strangers stroked her muzzle and she wilted beneath their touch like she did once for mine.

The morning after I killed myself, I went back to the neighbors’ yard where I left my footprints in concrete as a two year old and examined how they were already fading. I picked a few daylilies and pulled a few weeds and watched the elderly woman through her window as she read the paper with the news of my death. I saw her husband spit tobacco into the kitchen sink and bring her her daily medication.

The morning after I killed myself, I watched the sun come up. Each orange tree opened like a hand and the kid down the street pointed out a single red cloud to his mother.

The morning after I killed myself, I went back to that body in the morgue and tried to talk some sense into her. I told her about the avocados and the stepping stones, the river and her parents. I told her about the sunsets and the dog and the beach.

The morning after I killed myself, I tried to unkill myself, but couldn’t finish what I started.


  1. Certainly one of the most moving pieces I have ever read. The clarity of your prose is wonderful. May I never have to read this again. It has moved me to tears while working. I will definitely pass this one along. Thanks for your pain that made this writing possible.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Shayna says:

      This is beautiful & very moving. You did an amazing job & just inspired me for a book I’m going to write. I love this!! You keep writing.


  2. Tina says:

    I found this when I was just looking through some things and I sent it to my friend who lost her brother to suicide and a year later her mother as well that couldn’t deal with the pain. Then my cousin who loss her 15 year old daughter who was being bullied. My own daughter was going through a very dark period at the same time and was being bullied relentlessly at school by a girl who was just her best friend. She even had suicidal feelings. She was only 14 and it was a tough year but we made it through. This is very touching. I hope everyone realizes death isn’t temporary but everything else is. All trials and pain of life are and the sun will always shine again.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Becky Fyfe says:

    This brought tears to my eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pat Webster says:

    What a beautiful message. I lost my son to suicide in January 2012 he felt so much paint in this world he just didn’t want to carry on. Each and every day I wake and sleep thinking about him, but it was his wish and I have to accept that.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Jan says:

    This is such a powerful piece, which reduced me to uncontrollable tears, not least because I lost my eldest son to suicide in November 2002. I have added a link to it on my website (if you don’t mind, of course). It should be published on every mental health website. Thank you for writing this. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Samar K. Basu says:

    Extraordinarily powerful writing with a message don’t do something which can’t be undone.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. KatyCrookston says:

    Well written. Heart breaking. Great job keeping this conversation going. It is an important one.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. TaylorSmith says:

    This is amazing. I have been going through a tough time, and still am. I have nearly killed myself this past year, and I remember reading this and thinking about my brothers and mother. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Andy says:

    A friend shared this with me, it’s been a very dark and hard time the last couple of months. My wife left me and took my daughter. This has put all emotions in check as I read this I can’t help but wonder how anyone ever gets to this point and feelings in their life. Powerful message and gives everyone something to think about. Thank you, and thank you to Morgan for having me read this.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. HarveyHayward says:

    Someone sent me this yesterday because i’m very suicidal at the moment and it made me cry
    : )

    Liked by 1 person

  11. arrreebaa says:

    This is so moving.

    Liked by 1 person

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